ATARI COMPUTERS Nurmix Web Central

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/|/ A T A R I: HOME (NO FRAMES) Atari Computers

Welcome to the Atari Computer pages of Nurmix Web Central . These pages are devoted to both the Atari 16/32 bit computers, as well as the 8-bits. If you are unfamiliar with the Atari line, please take a look at the info page.

And if you're interested, you can read about my personal Atari story from 1981 to the present. And be sure to check out the Red Light 6 Studio page, which is centered around my Nemesis-enhanced Falcon030. You'll also find links to other great Atari Computer sites on the links page, and plenty of downloads for the ST, Falcon, and 8-bit Ataris.

Of course if this is all just too much for you, you can always return to Nurmix Web Central.

And please send me some e-mail to let me know what you think of the site, or to offer any suggestions or requests for files or content.


Please note that the DOWNLOAD page is rather sparse at the moment. As time permits I will be updating and adding to it. Please check back at a later date. I will also post to the Atari newsgroups when any major changes have been made. Also, since the redesign of the Atari Computer page, I decided to reset the counter as well, which of course no longer reflects the number of visitors I had prior to the redesign, but oh well...

Return to Nurmix Web Central now please...

HTML coded on an Atari Falcon by Paul Nurminen copyright ©1999.  Last updated October 26, 2003